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Social Media Marketing Orthodontist Marketing

How To Grow Your Orthodontic Practice With Social Media

Posted on February 22, 2022 | The Diamond Group

You may be asking yourself, is growing my social media important for my orthodontic practice? The answer is a resounding yes!

Why Is Social Media Important for Growth?

Orthodontists are quickly realizing the potential growth possible from investing in their social media profiles. Having a presence on social media is essential for any business looking to grow, and being active on social media is a great way to become a fixture in your local community.

The Best Way To Reach Patients: Go Where They Are

Your patients, both current and future, are all over social media. To grow, you need to go where people are. This means getting in front of them through their favorite channels like Facebook or Instagram!

Patients Are Making Healthcare Decisions Online

Most of your future patients will choose their orthodontist based on who they find online. If you are not marketing your orthodontic care services where people are searching, they will choose a company that has an established digital presence. Don't give other orthodontic practices the advantage! Make sure your practice is showing up in social feeds so when people start looking, they find YOU!

Growth Includes Potential Hires and Partners

Your potential hires and partners are also on social media! By sharing more about your practice from a professional perspective on LinkedIn, you will stand out from the other orthodontic practices also seeking new associates.

Here are some ways to better utilize social media to grow your orthodontic practice.

Setting Up Your Profiles for Success

If you want to maximize the potential of your different social platforms, you want to keep your audience's needs in mind. First, make sure your business profiles are up to date on Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn.

Update Your Essential Information

If you have any old information on a social account, be sure to update it. Updating your information encourages your patients to keep coming to your pages for current information about your practice and offerings. You want your patients to know they can trust the information you share, no matter where they find it.

Learn How To Use Each Platform Wisely

After you have updated your pages, it's time to consider how you are using each platform. Your various profiles allow you to showcase different aspects of the orthodontic care you provide. When done well, this allows each page to reach its fullest potential.

General Content Ideas for Your Orthodontic Practice

Orthodontists can use social media to share their expertise and show why they are the best in town! Your practice can share tips, advice, and information that will help your patients.

Create Go-To Orthodontic Resources for Patients

You can also use social media to answer questions about oral health on a more frequent basis. This is a great way to become the go-to place for people in your area who are looking for helpful information about orthodontics.

Website Content to Re-share on Social

If you are not utilizing your website's blog, now's the time to use it to support your marketing efforts. Orthodontic blog posts or videos that answer patient questions will establish your orthodontic practice as an expert resource for information on how to care for teeth. Blogs with helpful tips and information about orthodontic care are appreciated by readers.

Use Videos to Take The Fear Out of Orthodontic Treatment

You can also consider uploading a video of one of your procedures so people know what the procedure looks like. This may make them less nervous about getting straightened up themselves. Just make sure you get proper permission from the patient on camera!

Maximize the Potential of Each Social Platform

The best way to attract new patients is by providing informative content that addresses common questions and concerns. By understanding that each social channel can be used strategically, you will have a major advantage in your space. The more focused you can be on your orthodontic specialties, the better your results will be.

Orthodontic Practices: Don't Compete With Dentists

Be sure to keep orthodontic specific, that way you attract the patients that actually need your services. Most orthodontists will focus too much on the dental industry or on the new technologies their practice boasts.

How Each Social Platform is Different

When it comes to your presence on each platform, lean into the strengths of the platform itself. Let's break down each of these approaches a little more:

Showcase Your Orthodontic Practice's Personality on Instagram

Orthodontists should have an approachable, friendly personality that puts patients at ease.  Instagram is an easy place to display the personality of your orthodontic practice.

Show You Care To Put Patients At Ease

There's no better way to show you're a caring orthodontist than by posting photos of yourself and your staff helping others. By highlighting your care team and sharing information about yourself, you help prospective patients feel at home when they come in or call.

Show Your Community Your Friendly Side!

Instead of seeing generic medical professionals, they learn to see your team as their neighbors and friends. This makes them much more comfortable filling out a contact form on your orthodontic practice site or calling to make an appointment.

Use Video To Add Fun and Authenticity To Your Content

Another fun and effective way to grow your following on Instagram is by using videos! Videos are an easy way to showcase your personality. Seeing you and your team interacting on video will help your potential patients feel like they are seeing a real window into your practice.

Make it Easy to Check-In on Facebook 

Consider Facebook your central social hub! This is the main place you want current patients to visit and interact with your practice online. Add a sign to your orthodontic practice office with a link or QR code to encourage patients to check-in when they arrive. Ask them to leave a review of your practice on Facebook.

Don't Forget To Update Your Buttons!

Don't forget to customize your "contact" button with an accurate site link or phone number so your page visitors can request an appointment!

Give Your Patients the Spotlight

Another great way to encourage current patients to follow your page is by sharing their pictures! Proud parents will love seeing their kids' newly straightened teeth showcased on your page. Adults who are more confident after working with you will be ready to show off their new smiles for their friends to see. Let them all have their moment in the spotlight, while also sharing your work!

Informative and Helpful Information: Win-Win

In addition to patient-focused posts, you can include the informative content from your blog. You can also share the behind-the-scenes process that makes each procedure possible. If your patients learn more about the unseen work that goes into each procedure, they will trust you even more.

Stand Out As An Orthodontic Expert on LinkedIn

LinkedIn is the place to set yourself apart as an orthodontic expert. You can showcase the professionalism of your practice and highlight what makes it stand out from others'.

Let Your Knowledge and Experience Set You Apart

By sharing more of the technical and specialized aspects of your practice on LinkedIn, you will attract other specialists who may be interested in working with you. You will also build a reputation as a respected leader in your medical field. This will attract patients who are worried about receiving proper care and associates who respect your practice.

LinkedIn Content Ideas

Content to share on LinkedIn includes:

  • Your own certifications and personal biography
  • Your history in your orthodontic field
  • The qualifications of your care team
  • The services your orthodontic practice offers, and why
  • Interesting news from the orthodontic field
  • Information about a new orthodontic treatment
  • Case studies from your practice


You can also interact with other orthodontists and orthodontic practices on the platform. This will show that you're an active participant in the online orthodontic community and help to grow your practice. 

Make Your Orthodontic Practice a Local Favorite

Fear of dental work and appointments can keep many people who need it from going, adults and children alike! If you can build a reputation for assuaging these fears, your orthodontic practice will grow very quickly. One of the best ways to ease these fears is by using your social platforms to connect with your local community.

Connect Through Shared Places and Experiences

Share photos and updates about your practice that will resonate with your local audience. This can be anything from comments on the weather to plugging other local businesses you frequent. It can also include fun contests or giveaways around in-person procedures.

Encourage Curiosity and Establish Connections

You can also use social media to give potential patients a look inside your orthodontic office. Showcase different areas of your office, highlight equipment or treatments you offer, and introduce your team. If you have a team member who is also a long-time local, be sure to share that on your pages when you spotlight him or her.

Engage With Locals Online

When people can see what to expect from their visit to your orthodontic office, they are more likely to schedule an appointment. Engage with followers and answer any questions they may have about orthodontics or braces. Join local online communities related to orthodontics and share helpful information with members.

Market Your Orthodontic Practice Responsibly

It is important for medical practices and professionals on social media to remember that patients will expect them to be providing trustworthy information. Orthodontists should only post treatments, ortho products, and advice that is supported by scientific studies.

Remember: You Are An Authority

You may have heard the saying, "Don't put anything on social media that you wouldn’t want a judge and jury to see." This is especially true when it comes to your medical practice. Your posts should be professional in tone at all times so readers can rely on them for accurate information.

Respect and Honor Patient Privacy

It is important to maintain client privacy when posting pictures of their results or even names. As long as you make sure to get client permission you should be covered legally in most cases. Add a waiver to your patient paperwork if you plan to take their photographs and make sure they understand it before they sign.

Start Using Social to Grow Your Orthodontic Practice Today!

By following these steps, you’ll be well on your way to building a strong social media presence for your orthodontic practice! This presence will showcase your expertise, professionalism and personality.

Reach The People Who Need Your Services

By getting involved in social media, you’ll be able to reach more people who will want your business. You can use it as an opportunity to showcase the different aspects of your orthodontic practice and connect with potential new patients!

It Gets Easier, So Don't Give Up!

It may seem like a lot of work at first, but once you get started it becomes second nature. Then, you will be able to enjoy the ways your social platforms allow your practice to flourish. With our tips, you can start today and watch your business grow!

Need Help Making a Social Media Marketing Strategy?

If reading this has you inspired but intimidated, The Diamond Group is here to help! While patient care may be your strength, social media marketing may feel like a lot to learn while managing your practice. Partnering with an experienced agency will allow you to reach your patients on social media without a major commitment of your time.

Decades of Experience At Your Service

If you would like help from an expert team with decades of experience in orthodontic marketing, give The Diamond Group a call! We offer different tiers of packages, from just social media options to comprehensive marketing for your entire practice. Schedule a free consultation today! You can also learn more about us on our website: www.diamond-group.co.

About The Diamond Group

The Diamond Group is a Wilmington, NC based digital marketing and web design agency committed to helping today's small businesses grow and prosper. With a 28-year track record of success, their proprietary in-house system and concierge-level multi-disciplinary team approach to marketing guarantees double-digital growth and optimizes marketing ROI. 

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